Issue 06, entitled Growing Pains - Winter 2023

Interview La Gruyère
2023 - Une vie d'athlète au service de l'art circassien

Interview FRAPP Fribourg
Cirque d'hiver 2023

Circus Talk publishes my essay
Does the Menstrual Cycle Negatively Influence the Performance of Menstruated Circus Artists? 2022

" Despite the increasing mediatisation around the effects of the menstrual cycle, this bolstered awareness of the topic has not yet reached the sports world, and even less so, the world of circus. No complete study explores the positive and negative effects of the menstrual cycle on the performance of menstruating athletes-artists. Indeed, the physiological and hormonal phenomena involved in the menstrual cycle are not part of the common knowledge passed on to coaches and performers. However, concentration, motivation, physical state and tiredness are some of the factors that vary in the different phases of the menstrual cycle. Moreover, these factors influence the training, performance, and creativity of circus artists, but surprisingly, not necessarily in a negative way. "
Provinz - "Zimmer"
The single "Zimmer" on the EP "Zu spät um umzudrehen" - 2021
W wie Wissen - Propriozeption
Documentary - Peak performance through our 6 sense - 2021